At Uncivilisation Festival this year I led a workshop for women called Singing Over the Bones. In an hour and a half in a tepee, we gathered up the bones of the wolf woman and sang her into life. This is the story of how that came to be, what happened when we did it, and what it might possibly … Read More
Workshops for Women
Women – do you long to connect with your core power, through body, imagination and intuition? In the last few years, I have been running workshops called, Calling Up the Wild Woman in Oxford, East Sussex and Gloucestershire. These day workshops are designed to uncover what our lives – and our world – could be like if we were more alive in our … Read More
Inanna and Ereshkigal – practising the art of descent and return
For the last two winters I have run a group for women called Wintering Together. We gather in a friend’s house. We light a candle. We share. There are stories and songs. We settle into silence. We acknowledge the slower tempo of the winter months. For just one evening every fortnight, we allow ourselves to rest together. Sometimes we just … Read More
On Women and Horses
Since creating my one-woman show, Rhiannon Unbridled, I’ve been thinking a lot about women and horses. Why is it that so many girls get wildly enthusiastic about ponies at a certain age? What is the connection between the way we control horses with bridle and bit, and the way men have sometimes tried to control women’s voices – witness the … Read More
On Women and Horses
Since creating my one-woman show, Rhiannon Unbridled, I’ve been thinking a lot about women and horses. Why is it that so many girls get wildly enthusiastic about ponies at a certain age? What is the connection between the way we control horses with bridle and bit, and the way men have sometimes tried to control women’s voices – witness the … Read More
Singing the Great Mother
Imagine climbing into the lap of a great mother, a soft, powerful, being who loves you through and through. She cradles you in her arms. She whispers to you that all is well, and in some unfathomable way, despite everything, you know this to be true. I don’t find this too hard to imagine because my mum was good at … Read More
Kismet meets Peggy Seeger
This year, the band I’ve played with for twelve years, Kismet, had an unexpected opportunity to work with Peggy Seeger, a musician whom publicists are fond of describing as a “folk legend.” We played together in a fund raiser for Pegasus Theatre last month, and the experience has left me feeling both honoured and affirmed. As we met to discuss … Read More
A New Story for Halloween
This Summer I went to the Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle, Cornwall, ( and left full of emotion. The museum is a bewildering hotchpotch of Wicca, Druidry, Astrology, historical fact and cultural references, plus a case of instruments of torture. It was these that made most impact on me. Whatever ill may have been done by witchcraft (and I don’t … Read More