My first book is Birthrites, Rituals and Celebrations for the Child-bearing Years. Wanting to explore rituals and rites of passage, I started off thinking I would write one book covering having babies, getting married, funerals and everything else. Ten years later, the having babies part had grown into a book in its own right, and the other books are still gestating!
I was researching my next subject – Coming of Age – by going to a workshop, when I got so excited about the subject, I decided to get involved with the work rather than just write about it. So I started a mentoring project for girls: The Wolf Clan. So the book is on the back burner, but will come, no doubt, when it’s ready . . .
I have written many articles about subjects close to my heart, such as coming of age, divorce rituals, the ‘Art of Holding’. These have been published in magazines including:
Juno Magazine
Permaculture Magazine
Green Parent
Earth Pathways Diary
I also publish an occasional Blog, with articles on creativity, rites of passage and everyday spirituality. You can visit and comment, or sign up to follow my blog and receive email notifications, so you don’t miss a post.
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